
Nowa Energia Since 2003

Nowa Energia has over 16 years of experience developing and running renewable energy projects across Poland and Europe. Nowa Energia Australia brings this expertise to the Australian market.


Nowa Energia builds one of the first wind farms in Pomerania at the Slupsk Department of Energy. Our first wind farm consisted of 7 wind turbines with a total capacity of 1.1 MW.

During this project we gained the experience foundational to our long term success.


The development process continues through 2007 with the installation of the first Enercon E-82 2 MW turbines at the Darżyno wind farm – the first of any Enercon turbines installed in Poland. The farm is now owned and operated by Enea, a major Polish utilities provider.


Nowa Energia launches cooperation with the Spanish investment funds TAIGA INVERSIONES EOLICAS and RENOVABLES SANTANDER ENERGIAS.

Supplies capital to projects already in development, attracting an industry partner. The fund purchased 6 wind farm projects rated at a total of 38MW, with a contract value of €42 million.


Nowa Energia signs an investment agreement with TAIGA and SANTANDER for the implementation of another 47.5 MW wind farm project with a contract value of €52 million.


Nowa Energia signs a contract with Spanish renewable energy investment fund NORVENTO for the development of a 48 MW wind farm of value €64 million.

Signs a strategic cooperation agreement with AES for the development of 8 wind farm projects with a total power rating of 422 MW. Nowa Energia remains an owner, with a 10% stake. The contract value exceeded US$550 million.


Nowa Energia obtains building permits for 5 wind farms and has roughly 50 projects in development throughout the year.


Obtains permits for the construction of a further 6 wind farms. Signs an additional develop and sell contract.


Nowa Energia obtains building permits for projects with an installed capacity of 70 MW, and completes construction and commissioning of the wind farm Subkowy (8 MW) for TAIGA.


Begins construction of the first wind farm fully owned by Nowa Energia: the Brodnica 4 MW wind farm, consisting of two Vestas V80 turbines.


Nowa Energia starts construction on the Więcbork 4 MW wind farm, with two Vestas V80 turbines. Więcbork is the second wind farm to be fully owned by Nowa Energia.


Starts construction of a third fully owned wind farm at Jabłonowo with a capacity of 3 MW. The farm consists of two Nordex/Sudwind S70 turbines.


Nowa Energia Australia established. The team immediately begins development of wind projects in Australia.